Was it Heaven? Angels? Wish Steve Jobs told us what he saw …

by deborah on October 31, 2011

in Philosophy - Religion

Steve Jobs, Apple

His sister said his last words were, "Oh Wow, Oh Wow, Oh Wow!"

What would make Steve Jobs say this as he was dying?  What did he see?  Makes you wonder …   hope it was good.    :-D


But maybe we don’t need to know … hmmmm ….

Is there a heaven?  We Christians like to think so.  It seems Steve Jobs was a pretty good guy – aside from being a brilliant intelligent product engineer and marketer.  I hope he made it there and I like to think that’s what he saw and made him say “Oh Wow!” as his last words.

He needn’t go to Heaven and come up with an app for the dearly departed to reach us here on earth however!

 I think there is a reason we are not allowed to “see” up into heaven until its our time to go.  Maybe its so we will focus on the short time we have here on Earth first. Everyone has a purpose here on Earth and certainly lots to do.  We couldn’t maximize our time HERE, if we were all looking forward to going THERE.

We should make sure our time here on Earth counts for something.  That we did something.  Left the planet a better place than when we arrived …like this guy here – Steve Jobs.

Ah, the wonder of it all. The mystery.

Heaven – definitely an important subject for a renaissance of all things romantic …




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