About Deb
I believe people need a little more romance in their daily life. I certainly do!
To have a romantic life in today’s world doesn’t have to just mean that your lace covered table always has a vase full of red roses gracing it. Living a romance renaissance means taking special care in the way your live your life; involvement in the world around you to make things better – for you and those you care about. It’s not just a celebration of things (although we’ll talk about quite a few) — its better ways of doing things.
Yes, placing your 6-year-old daughter in a dress once in a while, instead of always just jeans, qualifies. But, so does providing your family with a meal featuring vegetables you grew in your own garden without chemicals, hand writing a thank you note on pretty stationery, and crafting special Christmas presents for your friends and relatives.
It’s also romantic to be involved in the world outside your own daily cocoon. Being curious, exploring, experimenting, learning – all these are associated with the Renaissance of centuries ago, and should still be today. (and I don’t just mean learning how to use your iPhone.) Volunteering at a shelter for animals (or people!), participating in a church or synagogue, supporting a worthy charity with your donation, taking your children on a vacation that teaches them how a different culture lives and works — all of these are part of a return to a more romantic lifestyle.
A Romance Renaissance.
We could certainly use one in this crazy world today!
I hope you’ll join the dialogue.
Deborah Deal Blackwell
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