Kathleen Turner’s Wit & Wisdom comes to D.C.’s National Press Club in defense of Planned Parenthood

by deborah on September 19, 2013

in Charities-Community Involvement, EVENTS! Advice & How to, Uncategorized

If you’ve wondered “whatever happened to blonde but smart bombshell actress Kathleen Turner” let me tell you she’s alive and well.  My friend Claire Gimble and I spent

Kathleen Turner was in town and feisty as ever at her talk at the National Press Club on Sept. 6.

Kathleen Turner was in town and feisty as ever at her talk at the National Press Club on Sept. 6. Left to right: me, Kathleen Turner, Claire Gimble.

a few minutes with her at the reception before her luncheon talk at the National Press Club on Sept 6.  Feisty and genuinely interested in meeting and talking with folks, Turner makes you feel okay to be a woman today of a “certain age.”  That feeling that with age comes a new freedom is driven home when you meet her.  She says she’s always been opinionated and assertive – since she was 12 in fact.  But instead of this state of being working against your own opinion of HER, it just makes her all the more charming.  Now just shy of 60 – but who’s counting anyway – Turner was able to share with those of us at the Press Club because she’s in town for a while  appearing in “Red Hot Patriot: The Kick-Ass Wit of Molly Ivins,” a play about the legendary liberal Texas columnist, which runs through October 23 at Arena Stage.

Kathleen Turner shares some advice with me.

Kathleen Turner shares some advice with me.

The focus of her talk at the National Press Club was the GOP’s stand on women’s reproductive rights and Planned Parenthood in particular. Turner criticized the Republican Party for its archaic views and noted the importance of keeping contraception available for American families.  She said she was afraid for women, families and the now eight decades-old women’s services organization if Mitt Romney is elected. Funny and unedited, Kathleen is perhaps the best person I know to battle those who would want to see American women barefoot and pregnant. Asked if she herself would consider running for office to help improve the numbers of women in Congress – currently only 17% – she replied she still thought her best contribution was as an actress and everyday citizen.

Still one very pretty woman, Kathleen Turner turned out to be warm and genuinely interested in meeting us.

Still one very pretty woman, Kathleen Turner turned out to be warm and genuinely interested in meeting us.

Whoever wins in November – not just the presidential race, but the House and Senate as well – look out!  Today Kathleen Turner is more likely to throw verbal stones against those who would deny women’s rights, than she is to romancing a stone.

{ 1 comment }

Diane King September 20, 2012 at 2:46 PM

How cool! I know you and Claire were wowed by this gutsy gal. She really is still pretty and so are you and Claire!

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