Sometimes the best Valentine’s weekends are those you spend close to home! My weekend with my friend included escaping the cold on Saturday night to stay home and watch movies, play with the dogs and eat pizza and other goodies like these lovely bakery treats here. I think these cupcakes are some of the most beautiful I have ever seen … and they are certainly the most beautiful I have ever eaten! They came from Harris Teeter … I can hold my own in a lot of “crafty” areas, but a cake decorator … I am NOT.

Al Jarreau and the Air Force band, the "Airmen of Note" gave a great jazz performance at the Daughters of the American Revolution's Constitution Hall. Here, the Air Force color guard opens the concert ...
Sunday, even though it was still cold, we went into downtown D.C. for a concert put on by the Air Force jazz band (with strings) featuring Al Jarreau. Al was great … he plays those vocal cords like an instrument. He has made some great music over the years — some of his recordings are on my “short” favorites list.